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Contemplating my next move in
a Lord of the Rings board game. The text on one of my front playing
pieces, the one representing Gandalf, reads, 'The dark player
must play his card first.'
xyloid (zy'-loyd) adj.
of or resembling wood; ligneous
- Reign of Fire :)
An ancient plot line
returns to wreak destruction,
but the film hangs on.
American Eats
History on a Bun
My favorite show on the Food Network is Food Unwrapped, which
goes inside various factories to show us how different kinds
of food are made. But even more fascinating is this History Channel
documentary, featuring the stories behind the invention of popular
American foodstuffs, many of which (like "Chinese"
fortune cookies) did not originate where we think they did.
How to Talk
Like a Pirate

Mike the Atomic Triangle
- "Showed Zendo
to my mom last week, and now she's some kind of Zendo junkie,
and I ended up having to give her all my stinkin' pyramids for
her birthday, which isn't even until September."
-- David M., of Northfield, MN


Nuclear War: It'll Soon Be
Easier Than Ever! |
week's article will take the form of a bulletized list of assorted
- We have decided to go to Dragon-Con this year. (It's in Atlanta,
over Labor Day weekend.)
- The first printing of Chrononauts
is now officially sold out. (We still have about 50 copies left
ourselves, which we're reserving for Gen-Con and our own webstore
sales, but for most stores it's now on back-order.)
- The second printing of Chrononauts has this week been ordered.
- Carta Mundi says it will be no problem to have finished decks
to us in time for Dragon-Con. (Also, Nanofictionary
is reportedly still on track for release at Gen-Con.)
- Given this, we've decided to make a new Chrononauts promo
card to give away at Dragon-Con. It will be called German Cake.
Here you see the artwork Alison and I created for the card.
- The other 3 promo card slots available during a Chrononauts
reprint will be used to make:
- A beautiful new Cosmic
Coasters reference card
- More IceTowers
reference cards
- Blank GLOTZ cards, for use in designing new games
- A number of minor changes have been made for the second printing
of Chrononauts. They are as follows:
- The box has been revised. The art on the front and top panels
has been reversed, and several new bits of info have been added
(Origins Award winner, Parent's Choice winner, Second Printing,
Patent Pending, etc).
- 1962 will henceforth hinge on an "OR" instead of
an "AND". This makes World War III and the ÜberParadox
much easier to create, and to sustain, which will hopefully give
Squa Tront (and Zane Reenak) more of a fighting chance. (It also
makes it more satisfying to flip 1943 and 1957.)
- The Obvious Forgery of the Mona Lisa now sports a handlebar
- A note about Killing Time has been added to Fast Forward.
- The incorrect Time Index on the Marijuana Legalized card
has been fixed.
- The teeny-tiny tick mark missing from the Rongo-Rongo Tablets
has been restored.
- Super-FRED is now in beta-testing. (Yes, it's true!)
- We have reached a tentative agreement with Kory
to release a standalone boxed set edition of Zendo,
before the end of the calendar year. (Yes, it's true!)
- I have filed an amendment to my
third patent application ("Method of Simulating Time
Travel in a Card Game"), re-writing my base claim just as
the Examiner instructed, and I feel confident it will soon be
- I have been too busy with all of this to even think about
this week's cartoon.
- I haven't even really unpacked from Origins
- Our
colorful in-store display is finally being printed. Next
week we're gonna get to go see them do the die-cutting. (Yes,
it's true!)
- Alison created
that panoramic view of the Lab (on this year's Origins
photo album) by digitally combining two separate photos.
- Everyone at our house currently has a cold.
- It's very hot.
Have you played any games today?

informs me it was Dan Viets whose remarks at the most recent
conference inspired my desire to become a lawyer...
for she too had the exact same reaction! In fact, she's way ahead
of me... she's already taken the LSAT! |
"People take different roads seeking fulfillment
and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't
mean they've gotten lost." -- H. Jackson
Brown, Jr., seen quoted at LoveThatWorks.org |
"They just sit there, sucking up the reader's
life force." -- the review of Family
Circus at Bob's Comics Reviews |