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on hiatus
New this week:
POW's story
I mutter "copy," pick up my soda,
and watch the monitor.
imbroglio (im-brole'-yo) n.
1: a confused mass 2a: an intricate or complicated situation
(as in a drama or novel) 2b: an acutely painful or embarrassing
misunderstanding 2c: a violently confused or bitterly complicated
altercation; embroilment
- Scaramouche :)
- Is six and a half
minutes too long for a duel?
Not for Scaramouche!
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
must-see for any serious quotemaster, this is my favorite of
the Monty Python films (with the possible exception of the short
film that precedes the Meaning of Life), and even if you have
heard all the jokes a million times, it's still fun watching
this film, if nothing else for the cinematography. The locations
they filmed in are lush and beautiful.
For Kitties


Everything Jake


Chrononauts in Charlottesville |
realized in retrospect that I probably disappointed my readers
last week by launching the official Chrononauts
home pages without really revealing any new information about
the game. So, to make up for that, here are some new clues to
chew on...
The image you see here is the design I just worked up for
a new promotional postcard, which we'll hopefully be giving out
at Origins. It depicts the Timeline of Alterable History and
the interconnections between the 19 Ripplepoints and the 13 Linchpins
that make up the 32 card Timeline deck. These 32 cards are arranged
on the table in a grid that serves as a sort of de facto gameboard
for this boardgame-like card game. The Chrononauts deck itself
contains 76 cards, and with 11 character cards, 7 missions, and
of course the aforementioned Timeline, the total card count comes
to 126. So, it's big, half again as thick as a Fluxx deck. (Even
so, we're planning to package it as compactly as possible...)
Over the weekend, we took a day trip down to Charlottesville,
to visit with friends and family, and to show Chrononauts to
a bunch of fresh test subjects. I've been particularly interested
in showing the game to my brother Jeff, since he's a professional
historian with a sharp and critical mind, and I'm pleased to
say that my timeline held up fairly well under his steely gaze.
His only real complaints were with 1881, which I knew had weak
events but which were the best I'd been able to come up with
thus far. After receiving a crash course in post-civil-war era
politics, we decided to scrap 1881 and switch to 1877, the year
Union occupation troops were finally withdrawn from the south.
But then the Professor came up with something even better still:
1868! The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson! It's perfect. Thanks
for the idea, Jeff! In fact, I'd like to extend my deepest thanks
right now to all of the people who've helped me create this incredible
new game, in particular Kory and John and Jake
and toK and Robin
and of course Kristin and Alison:
your help was vital to my creative process. I've crammed a lot
of really cool stuff into this new game, and many ideas were
contributed by these vital playtesters as the game evolved from
rough idea to beautiful prototype, now in Alpha Version 3.1 and
looking really complete. There's still a few drawings to be done
and I need to write the rules, but we're on schedule to release
the Beta edition on July 13th, at Origins.
I can't wait to let you guys start playing it! I think you're
going to dig it.
On Saturday night, we attended Dale
Newfield's house-cooling BBQ. Dale is on the brink of moving
away from Charlottesville, and he wanted to have one last party
before leaving. The trick is, he hasn't figured out where he's
moving to, yet. He's looking for a job exciting enough that he'd
follow it anywhere, and so far, Looney
Labs is the most exciting company he's found. Of course,
much as we need his help, we can't actually hire him, at least
not until we find some serious venture capital or until we get
our products into enough stores to substantially increase our
sales; even so, he's toying with the idea of moving up to DC
to help us build our corporate infrastructure in this our hour
of need. Depending on how things go, he could always find a real
job in the area (he's already had some interesting nibbles for
jobs up here), or if nothing else move on in a few months to
whatever city does offer up the exciting (and more immediately
lucrative) opportunity he's looking for. Which is all a long
winded way of saying that if any of my local readers know of
a good, cheap, short-term rental opportunity here in the DC area
(ideally metro-accessible) then let
Dale know, OK? (Incidentally, the party was great fun, and
we got some good playtesting done, too.)
a great week!

"You know, a few months ago I found a table
leg just like that in the driveway, and <gasp> IT WAS YOURS!"
- Dale, just after I had announced that I'd been
unable to find one of the legs for the spare coffee table we
keep in our van, it having apparantly fallen out of an open door,
without us realizing it, at some point. (Sadly, he'd tossed it
out after none of his local friends recognized it...) |
The business is taking over more and more of
the house... Rapunzel is up and running again (better than ever
after the repairs) on a new (well, used) desk that we've just
installed in the living room. We're not exactly sure what's going
to happen to the chair that used to be there, but at least now
our gradually expanding staff has a little more room to work... |
"I am a *strong* rabbit!" -
Eric Zuckerman, on the success of West Coast Icehouse Tournament
#2, as recounted to me by Dr Cool |