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I'm at an office party. Someone says, "Who's
the boy scout?" I reach into my pocket for my pocketknife.
Bruce Guenther says, "John Cooper's a boy scout."
"I was a boy scout, I quit."
callipygian (kal-uh-pij'-ee-un)
adj. having shapely buttocks; from Greek kalli beautiful
+ pyge buttocks, akin to physan to blow, inflate

- Miss Congeniality :)
- How long do we have
to pretend Sandra Bullock
is unattractive?

Apocalypse Now
film is a must-see if you want to know why helicoptors are associated
with Wagner's "Ride of the Valykires", or if you're
curious about the famous quote, "I love the smell of naplam
in the morning." On the other hand, if you don't like disturbing
images, this film is a must-avoid. But if you want to know what
it was really like in 'Nam, this film is probably a good place
to start.
Ashcroft Now
Puffy Cloud
- "I thought the idea was elegantly simple and very interesting,
but wasn't quite sure how it would play. So in addition to lots
of games of Chrononauts, Fluxx, and Aquarius, I got to play several
games of Cosmic Coasters. I LOVE IT!!! I got several of my friends
who happen to be Chrononauts fans interested in the game, and
most of them have said they will buy it once it is available.
Most notably I discovered that when you are playing that many
games of Rock Paper Scissors in a row the game becomes very psychological
and strategic; I used Rock 5 times in a row hoping my opponent
would crack before me. The game is much deeper than it looks
from the surface. I give it an A." -- Sam,
on the rabbit
mailing list


What is Secret Project 44-CC? |
All this week, we've been sending out preview copies of our
new game, heretofore referred to only by the codename Secret
Project 44-CC, which means the time has finally come for me to
reveal the secrets of this, our newest game.
One night last October, I was in a bar, attending Alison's
10-year high school reunion. Now, being a non-drinker, I rarely
visit bars, and when I do, I'm usually bored. In other social
situations, I can just break a game out of my
purple bag, but it's always so dark and loud in bars that
game-playing can be difficult, if not impossible. Moreover, the
limited-table-space and spilled-beer factors one finds in a bar
make that environment unsuitable for most games. And as I started
thinking about minimal footprint games one might play in such
situations, I noticed the bar coasters. And suddenly, I was in
one of my game design trances, oblivious to all around me except
Leah (who went
to high school with Alison - it's through Leah that we met Alison)
who I remember noticing me as I stood off to the side, moving
coins around on a small round coaster advertising DeGroen's Brewing
Company, in Baltimore.
To the inexperienced, bar coasters may seem like throw-aways
items, akin to napkins, which are discarded after use; but actually,
these heavy duty cardboard coasters are retained and reused by
bartenders until they wear out, which can be a long time. Yet
they are also easily produced in mass quantities, since they're
really just ads and they do sometimes get destroyed. Plus, they're
nice and sturdy, with color printing on one side.
I saw at once that bar coasters provided a unique opportunity
for game manufacturing. One of my earliest game design mistakes
was creating a game (Icehouse)
that required a large number of difficult to fabricate custom-made
components. On the other hand, a set of bar coasters would be
easy to produce, and if I could create a game that used nothing
more than a little round gameboard for each player and a few
coins from your pocket or the barkeep's till as tokens, it could
be the perfect bar game.
I also
immediately envisioned a fast and elegantly simple game of interplanetary
combat, with each player's gameboard being their planet, with
a set of coins atop it becoming a little fleet of spaceships.
By invoking teleportation as the means of moving between the
planets, the coaster-gameboards could be deployed wherever table
space permitted, allowing for play in very crowed locations.
My very first design for the board layout worked better than
I could have hoped, but my first stab at a combat system was
prone to deadlock. A few days later, Kristin
suggested basing it on Rock,
Paper, Scissors, and the rest of the game instantly fell
into place. In fact, the gameplay proved itself a winner so quickly
that even though we thought it impossible, we drove ourselves
to finish the game in time to make it our
annual holiday gift, and amazingly enough, we succeeded.
It helped that we were able to use public domain NASA images
of the Gallilean moons of Jupiter for the artwork, and we got
some vital playtesting in at a perfectly-timed Pop-Tart
Cafe. Even the special powers, which we feared might take
months to refine, instead came together quickly. Some of my first
ideas were clear winners (Stinging Defense, Teleport Inhibitor,
and Warning System) with one of Alison's suggestions (Rapid Transit)
rounding out the set. After some intense last minute brainstorming,
we settled on the first name we'd thought of, Cosmic Coasters,
and we got the art sent off just
38 days after that first night in the bar, with just enough
time for the Ad-Mat coaster company to print them and get 'em
sent back to us in time for Xmas. Yee-hah!
while it was rush-rush-rush to get the coasters printed, it's
hurry up and wait for those of you looking forward to buying
this when it comes out. Having achieved distribution, we now
need to coordinate the release of a new game with the network
of distributors and retailers who sell them for us. This means
sending out a blurb about the game to everyone in the industry,
then waiting for game stores to place pre-orders and have them
shipped out in time to be on the shelves by the official product
release date. And for those of you accustomed to buying our games
direct from us via the web, the bad news is we're going to delay
making it available here on the internet until a few weeks after
it hits the stores. But please don't be annoyed with us for this
- in fact, we're hoping instead you'll take this opportunity
to do us a favor.
Here's the thing: having finally gotten our products into
game stores across the country, we now need to focus on directing
customers into those stores to buy our stuff from those retailers.
So this time, instead of buying direct from us, we're asking
that you seek out your friendly neighborhood hobby game store
and buy your copy of Cosmic Coasters from them. Check out the
newly and hugely expanded online
roster for the store nearest you. (And thanks again toK
for your help in building the technology behind this roster!)
And if you really want to help, go type your zip code into
our store locater
and see if there's a store near you that sells our games. If
you happen to be in the neighborhood, drop in and ask them if
they've got Cosmic Coasters on pre-order. And if your favorite
local gamestore ain't on the roster yet, how's about helping
us correct this? If they sell our stuff already, we just need
their info, but if they don't, a request for our new game from
a customer like you might be just the thing needed to get them
to pick up our line. These simple errands will make a big difference
in impressing game store owners that Looney Labs products are
hot, so if you like our games, please tell your local game store!
If you can't manage it, don't worry... those extra couple of
weeks will fly by. We'll be making it available for sale here
on March 1st.
In the meantime, a few copies of the game are already floating
around... we just finished sending a sample copy to the 268 game
stores currently on our
Roster, and to all our Mad
Lab Rabbits. Hopefully these will be used to demo the game
in advance and further build excitement and anticipation for
the release of our newest game. And here's one more bit of good
news: Cosmic Coasters will have a Suggested Retail Price of only
The Bulletized List of Other News:
- Kristin is negotiating with a logistics/fulfillment company,
who we're hoping will take over our shipping and warehousing
workload, even including some product assembly. We're getting
to the point were the order-filling gruntwork is taking up so
much of our time that we need to farm it out, and since we don't
want to hire employees for this, we're working out a corporate
partnership. Cosmic Coasters will be a test run with this company;
they'll be doing the assembly work and initial distribution for
this release. We'll see how it goes!
- Alison got a job! She's picked up part-time work at a nearby
florist. This is great because it gives her extra income, increased
contact with plants, and a reason to get up and leave the house
every morning, while still being available in the afternoons
to do work for Looney Labs. And so far, she seems to be enjoying
- As we begin planning for our other new 2001 releases, we
anticipate the need for more Product-Backed Investments, specifically
for the next printing of Aquarius and Icehouse: Fifth Edition.
Interested investors
should contact us email.
Remember Peter

The subway is complete! This week, the last 5
stations on the Green line were opened, thus finishing out the
original design of the system. I've been watching them color
in the posted plan all my life, so it's pretty amazing to think
that it's really done. And of course, it isn't, for now they
can start expansions... already, a new in-betweener station is
being built on the Red line at New York Avenue, and among the
new routes being considered is an Orange line extension out to
Dulles Airport! |
"Surely the Arch-fiend of semi-mythical
Icehouse games." -- Alexandre Muñiz's
description of Kory Heath, on his page about semi-mythical
Icehouse games |
"It's time to bring on a drug czar who can
skip the cheery rhetoric, face the fact that the facts aren't
good, and turn the wheel before we head over the cliff.
I nominate Gov. Gary Johnson. Is there a second?" -- Arianna Huffington, "Bush's
Drug Czar: A Modest Proposal", The Sacramento Bee, 1/11/1 |