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New this week: Chapter
93, in which "Visions of the Martian Civilization"
opens at the Teldman Gallery
2:11 am, April 15th 1912
The Time Traveler stood on the tilting deck
of the Titanic. "At last we know what really happened this
night," he said quietly, while waiting for the Automatic
Return Cycle to engage. But the accounts were wrong; the great
ship sank 9 minutes early. 200 years in the future, the Titanic
claims an extra victim.
"Dr. Granite should be in in just a moment."
-- a nurse
mammon (mam'-un) n. money
personified as a false god
- Reefer Madness :-(
- Good argument for
legalization of pot.
And gun control laws.
A Hard Day's Night
Paul McCartney's grandfather (who's very clean)
is my favorite example of the kind of wacky character I hope/plan
to be someday, when I'm an old guy.

a Grave

Fabric Origami

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- Thursday
- June 24, 1999
New this week:

A Week at the Beach
We're just back from spending the better part of a week in
Nag's Head, North Carolina, with my 3 older brothers, my parents,
and assorted nieces, nephews, and wives. It's been a long time
since we've gotten one of these trips together... when we were
growing up, we used to go on roadtrips every summer. As a family,
we've been to all 50 states. But now that we're all grown-ups,
a big family trip only happens once every 3 or 4 years. This
is one of those years, and this year, we rented a cottage at
the beach for a week.
Despite some less than perfect weather, the crazyness of having
two-year-old twins running about, and the fact that we couldn't
find the darts for the dartboard, it was a great trip. We had
a wonderful beachside cottage, we swam in the ocean and flew
kites and rode bikes and played games and explored the beach
and the town and otherwise just relaxed. We also did something
I've always wanted to do: Hang Gliding.
trivia buffs will recall that the Wright Brothers made their
historic first flight at Kitty Hawk, which is just a few miles
south of where we were, on the Outer Banks. It's a prime location
for hang gliding, for the same reasons that Orville and Wilbur
choose it as their airstrip: it has soft, steady breezes and
soft, forgiving sand dunes -- ideal for crash landings. So, Kristin
and I signed up for lessons
and had our own historic first flights.
As a hang gliding first timer, you gain your wings with the
human equivalent of training wheels: two instructors run alongside
your glider, spotting you and calling out instructions as you
swoop along the dune at an altitude of about 7 feet. Our 5 flights
were all very brief, covered distances shorter than Orville's
first trip aloft, and almost as often as not found us crashing
into the sand at the end... but they were also wonderful and
exhilarating and left us wanting more. There's talk of making
this trip a new annual family tradition, so perhaps we'll take
more lessons next year. It takes about 8 such lessons to get
certified for solo flying.
Enjoy Life!
The informal
attitude at the beach is great for someone like Kristin, who
has a perfume allergy, since hardly anyone there seems to wear
embarrassment to any neighborhood" - slogan
of a beach bar called Kokomo Joe's
hate you... and I vote!" - bumper sticker
seen in New Jersey by Judy