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How Shakespeare Lived To Be 653
The Time Traveler swiped Shakespeare's still-warm corpse (replacing
it with a synthetic replica) and restored his health using 23rd
century medical technology. "Now write!" he commanded.
"I'll produce your lost works and become rich beyond imagining!"
But the Bard, bewildered by the Future, had lost his touch. "Mona
and the Dragon" was a turkey.
New this week:
I'm looking over an email I'm
about to send to the Icehouse mailing list: '3. Bandaid
- This is a rule that may *appear* to be flavor or spice, but
is *only* used to fix a problem, and actually *doesn't* fix the
problem, or it creates another problem.'
divagate (dive'-uh-gate, div'-uh-gate)
v. to wander or drift about n. form: divagation
- Chicken Run :|
- Claymation artists
fail to escape Hollywood's
big formula farm.
Peck stars as an amnesia victim accused of murder, and Ingrid
Bergman is his psychoanalyst, who helps him recover his missing
memories via dream analysis. Actually, it's rather dull by Hitchcock
standards, but the dream sequences, designed by Salvador Dali,
are extremely cool. It's a shame they weren't done in color.
Uchronia: The
Alternate History List

Egypt Travelogue

Modern Living

The Day of Ruin is Our Deadline |
I created the 1999
Calendar T-shirt two years ago, I noticed that August
24th was the anniversary of several disasters and therefore
dubbed it the Day of Ruin. This year, 8/24 is the day we're supposed
to submit all of the finished production elements for Chrononauts
(i.e. card art, rules, and tuckboxes) to Carta Mundi, the card
printer who'll be doing the actual manufacturing. This is sooner
than we'd hoped (particularly for the rulebook, which I'd thought
had a shorter production cycle than the cards) but while we are
nervous about it, we're still hoping to (at least substantially)
meet the deadline. It just means that we have to work night and
day from now till then, and that we've canceled our last-minute
plans to attend Gen-Con, which is already underway. (Our apologies
to those who'd hoped to find us there; getting Chrononauts out
on time is more important, and we hadn't planned much anyway.
Hopefully next year!) |
to last week's playtest
upgrade has been great. We're feeling better than ever about
the gameplay, and everyone agrees that Alison's color
re-design of the cards is making the game look as good as
it plays. But last week's preview was incomplete; everyone (including
the three of us) was curious about what the final Paradox artwork
would be like, and we hadn't yet settled on the cardback or final
logo designs either. And we've been struggling all week with
these issues, but here you see the answers we came up with.
The cardback you see here was basically created by Alison,
on the last day of the week; but the Paradox art was a collaboration
between us that we struggled with all week long. As opposed to
her other re-designs, I wasn't taken with her new version of
the Paradox; it was neat, but it wasn't what I had in mind. So
I took over and did my own version, and then she took over again
and spruced up my version, and then, just when we thought we
were done, we realized (after fondling our first prototypes)
that the "bubbles" needed to be Ripplepoint Blue, not
Linchpin Purple. But the end result was worth all the trouble!
the bubbles were inspired by a comic book depiction of time travel
that has been stuck in my mind since I was a kid. It's from the
Classics Illustrated adaptation of the HG Wells classic, The
Time Machine, published in 1964. I still have my copy, which
I unearthed to show to the girls during one of our many Paradox
design meetings. "See," I'd say, pointing to the panels
on page 43, "this is what time travel actually looks
like." But even with bubbles my design wasn't working until
Alison tweaked them into the third dimension.
Things are even going well (and similarly hecticly) on the
financial side of the balance sheet. Sales volume has been excellent
lately, and it seems like our Product-Backed Investment concept
is going to work. Our new warehouse space is brimming with sparkling
new Fluxx 2.1
decks, made possible by a check from Objective
Consulting, Inc. (Thanks Gene!) They have a particular interest
in Fluxx... they're currently producing a text-based, networked
version of the game! It started as something they were doing
for their own amusement (and because it was a useful programming
example), but given our new corporate partnership, who knows
where it might end up! Stay tuned for more information about
a limited alpha test in the coming weeks!
And speaking of ASCII-based electronic versions of our games,
Jason McIntosh has created Martian
Chess: The Computer Game, and it's already open for playtesting!
If you can use telnet, you can be among the first to try out
his adaptation, and be sure to send him your feedback if you
do, since the project is still in development and he's looking
for comments. (I'm looking forward to trying it out myself...
on August 25th.)
And speaking of people with looming, important deadlines,
12 is getting married next month and has therefore chosen
to make this his last week (for the time being) of regular WTS
updates. Well, I can't say as I blame him! It's a lot of work
maintaining a regular feature like this, and let me just say
thanks Charles, for entertaining us these many months with your
comic picks, your own forays into the realms of Nanofiction,
and all the other bits of e-musement you've been providing us
with. I must say I've really enjoyed the friendly competition
we've been having in this new medium, and I'll miss your weekly
55-word accompaniments to this page. But you've obviously got
more important things on your mind right now, so we'll look forward
to hearing from you again, after you settle into married life.
And in the meantime, good luck, have fun, and best wishes to
you and Lisa!

I think one of the best human qualities you can
nurture in yourself is the ability to cheerfully change your
attitudes and beliefs when confronted by evidence that you've
been wrong about something. |
It's not as thick nor heavy as I'd like it to
be, but I have to say, it's pretty neat finally having a gold
coin mixed into the US currency. But if it's going to succeed,
we need to abolish the paper equivalent. And now is the perfect
time to do it, too, with the re-designed $5 and $10 paper bills
now entering circulation. The question is, does the Treasury
Department have the guts to drop the $1 bill and issue a re-designed
$2 bill instead? |
"Bush and Gore Make
Me Wanna Ralph." -- A
Letter from Michael Moore to the Non-Voters of America |