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- tardigrade (tar'-di-graid)
1: slow-paced; moving or stepping slowly. 2: of or pertaining
to the Tardigrada (an old classification that included sloths,
or a current one comprising a group of minute aqueous arthropods)
Anchorman :)
The film's script writer
had an IQ of 40.
But I think that helped.

Accidental Centaurs
"Played Fluxx at a friend's house, couldn't
resist buying it ... Possibly the best game I've ever played."
-- Hilary of the Isle of Man in the UK

A Quick Trip to Canada |
Saturday it was Kristin's birthday, and this year we decided
to skip the usual roller-coastering
day and instead go to Toronto for an extended weekend. And
we had a great time!
It's been 6 or 7 years since we last had occasion to visit
our great neighbor in the North, and a lot has changed in that
time. Not only have we become outspoken marijuana legalization
activists, but so
too have numerous Canadians, and while we still have a long way
to go here in America, the prospect of ending Prohibition in
Canada is seeming very bright indeed. While Vancouver seems to
be leading the way (there's a trip we're looking forward to taking
someday) we've been hearing that Toronto is also becoming a "pot
hot spot" so we drove up last Friday to check out the scene.
Having recently returned from a visit
to Amsterdam, we were eager to see how the emerging Canadian
system compares with the established Dutch coffeeshop model.
The scene is indeed quite groovy. Shown here are a few views
of the Hot Box Cafe, a "smoke-easy" located on a lush
outdoor patio behind a headshop in downtown Toronto called the
Roach-o-Rama (which, we were delighted to find, was already selling
Stoner Fluxx).
Unlike the Coffeeshops of Amsterdam, you cannot purchase weed
in a Canadian Smoke-easy, but if you have it, you are allowed
to smoke it there. (How you get some is your problem, and opportunities
are few... the rules at the Hot Box Cafe insist there be no buying,
no selling, no fishing, no mooching, etc.)
did a bunch of other stuff in Toronto, including visiting with
a rabbit named Stephanie
Clarkson who was kind enough to provide a couple of nights
lodging for us as well as showing us around various parts of
her town. (Sadly, Stephanie tripped and injured her ankle while
we were all wandering around the Celebrate Toronto! street festival
we went to, but she didn't seem to be too badly hurt. Thanks
again Stephanie, and get well soon!)
Toronto is an extremely huge city and we felt kind of daunted
there, so after a couple of days we decided to go visit the nearby
town of Guelph.
It was great! What a lovely town that is! We were asking where
the hippies like to go, and when people told us Guelph, we knew
we had to check it out. When we got there, we asked where in
Guelph the hippies like to go, and that's when we were told about
the Cafe Aquarius,
a vegan organic restaurant, and indeed, it was full of hippies!
Of course we just had to play Aquarius
there... and we left a deck behind for the new friends we made
to keep playing with.
There's a lot more I could say about our visit to Canada,
such as other friends we made (hi Albert and Shannon!), other
cities we visited (Kingston was really nice), and the role-playing
game we played in the car (it was Alison's first time being a
GM and we had a great time) but as usual I'm late with this update,
so I'll just stop there for now.

Enjoy Life! Have a great week! |

"We have a leader who combines the worst
features of an ignorant imperialist with the moral certainty
of a reformed drunk who is convinced that he can do no wrong,
because Jesus guides his actions. He is surrounded and shaped
by older, more adept politicians who are in some cases far more
ruthless and cynical, or as narrow and deeply flawed, as he." -- Jack Lessenberry, "The
Establishment Turns On Bush" |
"With Introverted Intuition dominating their personality,
INTJs focus their energy on observing the world, and generating
ideas and possibilities. Their mind constantly gathers information
and makes associations about it. They are tremendously insightful
and usually are very quick to understand new ideas. However,
their primary interest is not understanding a concept,
but rather applying that concept in a useful way. Unlike
the INTP, they do not follow an idea as far as they possibly
can, seeking only to understand it fully. INTJs are driven to
come to conclusions about ideas. Their need for closure and organization
usually requires that they take some action."
-- Portrait
of an INTJ: The Scientist |
"The people I have spent the last decade
working and playing with have inhaled more than a few puffs and
taken a variety of trips down Alice's rabbit hole. Yet some way,
somehow they have turned into able and impressive members of
the republic. These are people with good jobs, who engage in
charitable pursuits and who rarely cut in line at Whole Foods.
We've taken some of our old vices with us into adulthood without
burning down the house or checking into rehab. We've done a good
job prolonging our adolescence, but now we're facing adulthood's
ultimate gut check: children." -- Larry
Smith. "Do
You Puff, Daddy?" |