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Green Submarine
Music blared from the radio. "Some of us live in a green
submarine," sang Tringo, of the Beapers. The Time Traveler's
father shook his head. "Damn that kid and his time machine,"
he said, rising from his chair. "How often have I told him
not to muck with the music? Martha, where's my whipping belt?"
I'm washing my hands and wondering
if Booda is stealing a cupcake.
unctuous (ungk'-choo-us) adj. 1. greasy; oily
2. marked by affected, exaggerated, or insincere earnestness
or courtesy (see also unguent (un'-gwent) n. a salve or ointment)
- Being John Malkovich :-)
Wonderful displays
of recursive puppetry,
just like surreal life.
visual effects-laden thrill-ride about an African safari board
game with real-world consequences is loosely based on a children's
book, by Chris Van Allsburg. As usual, the book is better than
the film, but in this case, not by much.
to Win a Trip to Outer Space!

Wacky Hats

New this week:

Catching our Breath |
There's not too much to report on this week. After the crush
of getting the Icehouse
pre-orders shipped out last week,
this week has been relatively calm. We've been taking some time
to catch our breath, and doing mundane things like laundry and
coming down with colds. We also paused to celebrate my birthday...
among other things, I got an 18-pocket photojournalist's vest,
a really cool, highly detailed Apollo 11 toy set, and an amazing,
custom-made double-breasted purple jacket, a classy replacement
for my favorite all-purpose coat, a naval jacket I got at the
thrift store years ago, which is now falling apart. I actually
don't have it yet... it was commissioned for me by Kristin and
Alison and is being tailored for me by Carol Kocian, local long
haired babe and sewing artisan who also just happens to be the
creator of our newly re-issued plush
Icehouse pieces.
of course, we've also been planning for Philcon, which takes
place this weekend. As I mentioned before,
we're going to host a hospitality suite there, in which we demo
our games and serve Pop-Tarts as refreshments. At first we were
figuring to open up our suite only on Saturday night, but now
we're planning to keep the room open all day Saturday, from 2
pm - 2 am. It'll be kind of like one of the early Icehouse tournaments,
except with more games and less pressure. It should be a lot
of fun. We'll be promoting the event the night before with little
flyers we'll be handing out, as shown here.
you played any games today?
love... cake!" - Eric Foreman's on-the-spot
response to Donna's declaration of love on "That 70's Show"
year, our annual holiday gift will be a nifty little game I just
invented, called Q-turn.
Alison created the artwork, and it's delightful! Lots of lovely
curlicues, in a style very much unlike my own. And it looks like
Kristin's gonna be able to bring the production in on-time and
under-budget. Yay!
can this happen in America? I can't tell a jury why I used medical
marijuana? I am stunned; speechless... I now face ten mandatory
years in federal prison. I will die there. My life is over because
I tried to save my life doing something my doctor recommended
in a state where it is legal." - Peter McWilliams,
regarding Judge George King's astonishing decision to bar the
use of a medical necessity defense by a cancer/AIDS patient in
a medical marijuana trial
in California