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The Three
by Dan Efran
One hundred centuries ago, in glittering Lyrallai, the Emperor
of Mars declared that he would pass his Scepter to the one who
bested him at Icehouse. That year's Grand Tournament found three
champions, who beat the Emperor in a stunning three way tie!
Later, the Abdicant was often heard muttering, "The First
Tribunal were Discordians!"
John Marketon's in my office, saying, "Here
if you go walking down the street with what looks like a cigarette
hanging out of your mouth but it's actually a joint, you get
your ass thrown in jail. Why? What good does it do anybody?"
stygian (stij'-ee-an) adj.
1: of or relating to the river Styx 2: extremely dark, gloomy
or forbidding

- Fast, Cheap, & Out Of Control :)
- Find out what robots,
mole rats, shrubs and tortured lions
all have in common!
He Said, She Said
charming little romantic comedy from 1991, about arguing opinion
columnists who fall in love, tells its story in flashbacks and
from two different points of view: his during the first half,
and hers during the second. (It therefore makes for a confusing
half-watch...) It has added local charm, having been filmed in
Baltimore; and in fact, since it was, Alison
got to be an extra in this movie! Blink and you'll miss her,
but she's seen walking down the street (with some guy who looks
kind of like Eeyore) right when Elizabeth Perkins is saying to
Kevin Bacon, "Your Uncle Olaf is a cheap literary invention,
he doesn't even exist!"
Giant Inflatable


Another Random Week |
having a hard time picking something as the focus of this week's
report: It's been a very random week. Among other things, we
celebrated our wedding anniversary with a heavy meal out, then
joined the party for #12 and Lisa at Dave & Busters (which
was great - I'd actually never been to a D&Bs before), after
which I took an all night bachelor party bus trip to a Denny's
in Hagerstown with #12 (and a handful of others) in his extremely
cool former schoolbus (which was more fun that it probably sounds).
There were other social events during the weekend, plus we also
took Monday off, for fun at the park with Ginohn (which was disappointing
- see Ginohn's report).
And I even learned (during an eye-opening middle-of-the-night
philosophical conversation) that I am a textbook example of the
Ordered Thinker, while Alison typifies the Chaotic Thinker. Plus
some other stuff happened.
Meanwhile, the new issue of Game Trade Magazine came in, which
contains an article I wrote about the design of Chrononauts.
I wrote it in July but was waiting to publish it here, as requested
by the editor, until it debuted in the magazine. As you can see
from this cover shot, they featured it right there on the cover:
"A Look
at CHRONONAUTS, from the designer of FLUXX".
I also got into a debate this weekend
with my Dad,
who was disappointed with my (er, Daddy-O's) review of "Space
Cowboys". I found the set-up way too contrived, but
he didn't think it as outrageous as I did. Having worked for
Goddard Space Flight Center for over 8 years, I feel like I know
a thing or two about how NASA really works... but of course,
I can't compete with him on this, since he's been working at
GSFC since before it existed (over 40 years!). Anyway, he got
a big kick out of it, so perhaps I was too harsh. Still, I have
to agree with John
(who also, like his dad before him, works at GSFC), who regards
it as proof that Hollywood couldn't have faked the Moon Landings
because "they would have made so many mistakes that even
the astronaut chimps wouldn't have believed it."
Anyway, our life is proceeding on schedule. How's yours?
PS: Sign
the petition to get Nader into the debates!

"Love is when you go out to eat and give
somebody most of your French fries without making them give you
any of theirs. Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt,
then he wears it everyday. Love is when mommy gives daddy the
best piece of chicken. Love is what's in the room with you at
Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen." -- selections from a list that's been circulating
through the email lately, of responses by 4 to 8 year-olds to
the question "What does love mean?" |
"I hate the D.A.R.E. program... it has the
exact opposite effect that it is trying to achieve. Sending policemen
to schools to teach children about drugs is like sending nuns
to schools to teach children about sex. Virgins shouldn't teach
sex education classes and cops shouldn't be teaching drug education
classes. If you want to teach children about drugs, wouldn't
it make a lot more sense to send a pharmacist? How about a doctor,
or even an ex-drug addict? Anyone but a law enforcement officer." -- "Inanimate
Objects" by Michael Dare |
"All casual drug users should be taken out
and shot." -- Daryl Gates, former Los Angeles
Chief of Police (seen quoted on page 567 of ANBIYD,
by Peter McWilliams) |