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I mutter, "OK, brain full," pound the
table lightly, and get up to leave the office, continuing with,
"go empty it."
pusillanimous (pyoo'-sill-an'-im-us)
adj. lacking courage and resolution; marked by contemptible
timidity; cowardly
- Freddy Got Fingered :)
- Pretty sick humor,
but what was really shocking -
Tom Green can skateboard!

- What's it like to suffer from a mental condition that destroys
your short-term memory, so that you constantly find yourself
completely confused about the current situation you find yourself
in? And what if you're also on a mission of revenge, with only
the notes you leave yourself as clues to the path you must follow?
This unusually structured movie does an amazing job of imparting
that experience to the viewer.
Carnival of Tiny Stories
- "Oh come on...are you saying you wouldn't plop down
10 bones on any game that comes out of Andrew Looney's head?
I sure would...he hasn't come up with a bad one yet." -- John Weldy, on the Chrononauts mailing
list, 26 Apr 2001

Getting Busy / And I Thought
McCaffrey Was Bad... |
Lately we've been kind of taking it easy, but now we're getting
back to work. Last month, after having done Toy
Fair, GTS, and ToasterCon,
with nothing major on the horizon until Origins,
and with our skulls nearing the bursting point from the workload
we've been piling on ourselves, we decided we needed to give
ourselves a break. We kept filling orders and updating the website
of course, but in general, we kind of did what we felt like doing
this past month. So, during April I've been doing things like
inventing a new game, updating
the real-life Image
Wall (the new online version will (hopefully) be coming soon),
creating my first homemade CD,
catching up on my reading (I really enjoyed Replay, by
Ken Grimwood), and so on. Kristin also made a point of relaxing
these past few weeks, but Alison has actually been busier than
ever of late. Besides us and our numerous projects, her time
has been consumed by her spring plantings
around our house and her job at the florist (which recently gave
her both a raise and more hours).
But now that May is upon us, we're all getting busy again.
Origins is just two months away, and we've got a lot to do before
then. Production loose ends (including financial issues) have
been holding up the printing of Fluxx
Blanxx and the next printing of
Aquarius, but this week we started getting those logjams
cleared. (It also helped our peace of mind knowing that a big
influx of cash is impending, due to the fact that Fluxx and Chrononauts
are about to appear on 90+ new mall store shelves as of early
next week.) Both Purchase Orders have been submitted, so both
products should be available by (or before) Origins. Also, we're
working up a campaign to urge people to vote for our games in
the Origins Awards voting
(which is already underway, making that deadline a pretty urgent
one). Finally, we've been working out the details of our plan
to hire a part-time intern
to help us out this summer.
In other words, we're back to our usual frantic pace.
profoundly disappointed with Bush's pick for Drug Czar.
Nowhere is there a better example than in Mr. Bush himself
of the reality that someone can use drugs and still go on to
accomplish great things (such as becoming President). I was beginning
to think he understood this. He never mentions the drug war when
discussing his priorities, and didn't bother to fill the months-vacant
post until after his first 100 days in office. In January, he
even said "I think a lot of people are coming to the realization
that maybe long minimum sentences for the first-time users may
not be the best way to occupy jail space and/or heal people from
their disease." So why then did he choose John Walters,
a strident drug war hawk who apparently doesn't agree with this
sentiment, to be the new Czar?
This guy is so harshly pro-punishment that he actually thinks
we haven't been putting enough people in jail yet. He thinks
our inhuman Mandatory Minimums aren't excessively long, and has
even said that the obvious racial disparity among the victims
of the drug war is nothing but an "urban
myth." (He doesn't even understand the term "urban
myth", much less the futility and cruelty of the policies
he holds dear.) Despite a massive treatment gap, this guy thinks
we've got too much treatment already, and believes we should
instead be putting yet more young black men in jail, for longer
times than they're already being condemned to. This is Bush's
idea of "compassionate conservatism"?
In the wake of growing public dissatisfaction with our disastrous drug policies,
I'm just amazed (not to mentioned saddened) that Bush would choose
someone who is so slavishly committed to failed ideas. This candidate
is so extreme (one article I read called the choice "peculiar"
in the headline) that it almost makes you wonder if Bush isn't
deliberately setting this guy up for a fall. Who better to bring
to national attention all the wrong ideas about fighting drugs
than a "lock 'em up" creep from daddy's administration?
Maybe Bush understands, in his secret heart of hearts, that the
Drug War must end just as surely as Prohibition did, and that
his legacy would well be served to help bring about its conclusion.
Perhaps he's deliberately chosen someone to serve as a foil,
someone so entrenched in the wrong way of doing things as to
be easy to win arguments against, and thus made to take the blame
for all the failures of the drug war. It might actually be a
good strategy. Sadly, I just don't think Bush is that clever.
(But maybe that's how things will turn out in the end...)
In any event, I'm deeply troubled by this news, and can only
hope the Senate Judiciary Committee rejects his confirmation.

Let Freedom Grow,

- Regarding all the controversy over the first Tourist in space,
all I can say is: It's about damn time! This is the year 2001,
isn't it? Didn't anyone see the movie? We're supposed to have
a whole hotel up there by now! Of course someone who ponies up
$20 million bucks for a trip into space should be allowed to
- The guy with an empty place-holder site at LoonyLabs.com
let the site registration lapse, and Kristin was able to snap
it up, so it's ours now and we didn't even have to pay someone
off! (It wasn't a big deal, but people often misspell our name,
so it'll be nice to be sure we're capturing that traffic.)
- We tried doing our grocery shopping over the internet this
week, using HomeRuns.com,
and it rocks! (They're only operating in the DC and Boston areas
so far, but if you live there, check 'em out!)