Chef loves
you. Yes, indeedy.

Banana and Popcorn
1 banana, peeled
and cut in half lengthwise
Lettuce leaf
Place the banana
on the lettuce leaf. Scatter popcorn over the banana and put dabs of mayonnaise
here and there.
Makes 1 serving
Hmmm, only 1 serving?
How odd. "Very artistic and economical," according to the creator
of this recipe, who shall remain nameless because the the author of "Fashionable
Food," Sylvia Lovegren , refuses to provide the name. I would love to provide
the name--and address--of this person. I think we'll call her Dotty Smutny.
Lovegren dubs this The Worst Salad of the Twenties.

1924 Italian Spaghetti
1 pound spag
1 T butter
1 T flour
2 cups cold water
2 cups sliced American
8 small garlic cloves,
2 onions, sliced
salt and cayenne
1 cup light cream
1 8-oz. can tomato
Boil the spaghetti
1 hour (!!!#@*!) in salted water. Strain, pour cold water over the spaghetti,
then drain. Put the spaghetti in a buttered baking dish. Preheat the oven to
350 degrees. Melt the butter in a large saucepan. Stir in the flour and cook
for 1 minute, then stir in the 2 cups cold water. Add the cheese, garlic, onions
and seasonings. Bring to a boil. Stir in the cream and tomato sauce and cook
for 1 minute more, but do not boil. Pour the cooked sauce over the spaghetti
and bake for 20 minutes.
Makes 8 servings
This one's also
from "Fashionable Food," as is the dessert ...
Tang Pie
1 9-inch graham
cracker crust, baked
1 14-oz. can sweetened
condensed milk
1 8-oz. carton sour
1/4 cup plus 2 T
Tang powder
1 8-oz. tub Cool
Mix the milk, sour
cream and Tang together. Fold in half of the Cool Whip. Spoon into the pie shell.
Top with the rest of the Cool Whip. Chill.
Makes 8 servings

Each little fellow
is fashioned from a big hard-cooked egg, a couple of "giant" ripe
olives and a few pieces of carrot.
Cut thin slice from
large end of each peeled egg, stand up [not you! the egg!]. For penguin's head,
peg olive to egg with toothpick. Use
1/4 of a ripe olive (cut lengthwise) for each wing, a lengthwise sliver for
the "necktie"; toothpick in place.
For feet, cut a
lengthwise slice of carrot--a little less than 1/8 inch thick; cut the slice
crosswise in 3/4- inch lengths. Taper sides of each piece of carrot and notch
wide end to make webbed foot; tuck a pair part way under each egg. Whittle a
beak from carrot and push into "head."
This recipe was
found in "Meals with a FOREIGN FLAIR," copyright 1963 by Better Homes
and Gardens, which boasts on the contents page: "Each food was tested over
and over till it rated superior--in practicality, ease of preparation, and deliciousness."
here's how they look if you make them for a pierogi-and-mashed-
potato meal that also features food shaped like Texas.

here's what happens if you forget one on a plate overnight after a raucous housewarming