Transcribed directly from
"Facts and Figures of the Family of Joseph and Catherine Naab
and their Journey from Immigration to the Present Time,"
written by Sister M. Clement Naab in 1984. 
This story had to be told. The present generation now growing up and the many other generations who will come after them will need some facts and figures which will show their relationship to a great pioneer family. The four generations shown in these pages point to the lines linking them to their ancestors from immigration to the present time.

The Naab family has a history of foresight, courage and strength. A mere eighteen years before the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, they recognized the troubles that lay ahead. Gathering their young family and few possessions they came to America in search of freedom and opportunity for their family. The pioneer years were hard and the "great depression" that followed brought hardship that left their marks on those on those who lived through them. But these hardy immigrants would not be defeated. Instead they developed a strength of character and a determination that showed throughout their entire lives. I trust the future generations will look with pride to their heritage.

It has been my privilege to gather some of the data and bring together the various details that make up the story of the Naab family.

[signed] Sister M. Clement Naab
January, 1984

The Naab Family Intro Page
The Naab Family from the Steppes of Russia to the Plains of Kansas
Recollections of Some Personal Experiences of the Naab Family