Yes, it's true... the Looney's have published a stoner version of their popular card game, Fluxx.

A game about
Weed, Freedom,
and the Pursuit
of Happiness

We published Stoner Fluxx to help accelerate the conversation in this country about ending the hurtful war on drugs. We are proud to have published this game, and hope you will read our message, and join us in trying to make the world a better place. Thanks for playing our games!

Stoner Fluxx is based on Fluxx 3.0

Stoner Fluxx was designed by Andrew Looney, author of numerous articles about the folly of drug prohibition

(download this Hi-Rez image - 1.4 meg)

   Our message to Children

   Our message to Young Adults

   Our message to Adults

   Our message to Parents

   Our message to Retailers

   Our message to Stoners

   Our message to Activists


Our message to Children

Please don't smoke marijuana.

Many adults like to smoke marijuana to alter the way they feel and think temporarily when socializing with friends. Although it is not without risks, it is also not necessarily harmful to them, in fact marijuana has been shown to be an excellent medicine for many illnesses. We are fighting to change the laws in America that say it is illegal to consume marijuana, even for adults who do so responsibly .

Kids also like to play and have a good time, but you really should avoid using any mood-altering substances, and not just because adults tell you not to use them. These substances (and that includes alcohol and cigarettes as well as marijuana) can be very bad for you, and can effect your growth both mentally and physically. It really is a good idea to wait until your body and mind have had a chance to finish growing first.

The inventor of Fluxx waited until he was 30 years old before trying marijuana, and he encourages you to wait until you are an adult to consider the decision to try it for yourself. Please give your body a chance to grow and your mind a chance to mature without the influence of any sort of drugs.

Thank you for saying NO THANK YOU to Drugs!

"Please give your body a chance to grow and your mind a chance to mature without the influence of any sort of drugs."

Our message to Young Adults

Listen to your parents, and follow their rules.

If you are still living with your parents, then they get to make the rules you live by. If you think you are adult enough to smoke marijuana, you should also be adult enough to be honest with your parents about it. If you need a way to bring up the subject, try playing a game of Stoner Fluxx with them!

And please keep in mind, not all adults choose to drink and/or smoke. If your parents have made the personal decision not to consume any form of intoxicating substance, they probably have some pretty good reasons behind these decisions. Ask them about it, and listen to what they have to tell you - you might just find yourself growing up to make the same choices they do.

But many adults do like to smoke marijuana, and most of them do so responsibly. We are fighting for the right for every-day responsible American adults to choose to smoke marijuana when they relax with friends. We don't think this should be illegal, and we published this marijuana themed version of our popular card game Fluxx to try to help get people talking about it - to accelerate the conversation about reforming the marijuana laws in this country.

Thank you for saying NO THANK YOU to Drugs!

"Talk to your parents. If you think you are adult enough to smoke marijuana, you should also be adult enough to be honest with your parents about it."

Our message to Adults

We think adults should be allowed to smoke marijuana, and we published this Stoner edition of our hit card game Fluxx to help accelerate the conversation about reforming the marijuana laws in this country. Times are changing - ten states (Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado) now have medical marijuana laws!

We published Stoner Fluxx to help get America talking about it. Whatever your opinion on the topic - please talk to your friends, your family, your co-workers. Ask them what they think - tell them what you think. And if you have always assumed that it is right for marijuana to be illegal, please try to be open to the possibility of changing your mind.

We are not asking YOU to smoke pot. Not now and not even later after the laws in your state change. You may never try it. But chances are good you know people who have. Ask them about it.

Does it really make sense to put people in jail just for smoking marijuana?

There are a lot of really great people in this world who smoke marijuana. Doctors, lawyers, artists, plumbers, and yes, even game designers and business entrepreneurs. 70 million people in this country have tried it, and 25 million smoke it regularly. These people are NOT bad people, just because they like to smoke marijuana.

If you agree that we need to end this hurtful war on drugs, consider joining some of the many organizations that are fighting to change the laws. And when you are given the chance to vote, please tell our government to STOP waging war on a large sector of our adult population who prefer pot to beer or other forms of alcohol.

NOTE - some people, for personal or religious reasons, think it is wrong for anyone (kids or adults) to consume intoxicating substances. We respect this decision as a personal choice, but reject those who attempt to push these values on everyone else. Adults like to relax and socialize with friends, and most do so responsibly. History has shown that prohibition does not work - it didn't work with alcohol back in the 1920's, and it isn't working now. It's time for peace - it's take to end the hurtful war on drugs.

Thank you for helping us try to change the world!

"If you have always trusted what you have been told and believe that marijuana should remain illegal - please give us the opportunity to show you the other side of the story."

Our message to Parents

If you find your kids with a copy of Stoner Fluxx - consider asking them if you can play the game with them! Seriously. It's a really fun easy game, anyone can play it. Hang out at the kitchen table playing Stoner Fluxx and tell your kids about your own experiences with marijuana from your high school or college years. Did you ever smoke it yourself, or know anyone else who tried it? Tell them your rules, and ask them to follow them, but please have an honest conversation about the dangers of marijuana - and please don't continue to spread the lies found in our goverments marijuana propaganda.

Please also read both Our Message to Children and Our Message to Young Adults (as well as Our Message to Adults) - and read the "Please and Thank You" card which is included with the game. Please know that we are trying to encourage your kids to say NO THANK YOU to drugs, and to seek your counsel on the subject of drug use.

Thank you for understanding we are trying to change the world!

"If you want to have a frank conversation about smoking pot with your kids - consider playing a game of Stoner Fluxx with them! It's a great way to get the conversation started."

Our message to Retailers

We are proud to have published this game, but we understand and respect the fact that not all of our retailers will want or be able to sell it, due to the adult and political nature of the theme. If you need help deciding if you want to stock Stoner Fluxx, we have an online review of the box design, and many of the cards found in the game - and we would love to send you a sample for review - just ask!

Please be assured that we are not going to start putting marijuana leaves on our catalogs. We will always keep our marketing materials for this adult themed game separate from our literature for the rest of our award winning line of fun family card games and board games - so a store can easily continue to proudly sell Looney Labs Games, yet choose not to mention or sell this particular product.

If concerned customers ask... please point them to this web site - for Our Message to Children and Our Message to Young Adults (as well as Our Message to Adults) - or show them the "Please and Thank You" card which is the first card you find when you remove the outer shrinkwrap on the game. Please know that we are trying to encourage kids to say NO THANK YOU to drugs, and to seek their parents counsel on the subject of drug use.

We hope you will decide to sell Stoner Fluxx - but understand and respect your choice if you don't. And if one of our Mad Lab Rabbits is doing demos in your store, just let them know if you are uncomfortable having them demo Stoner Fluxx.

Thank you for selling our games!

"Please be assured that we are not going to start putting marijuana leaves on you catalogs. We will always keep our marketing materials for this adult themed game separate from our literature for the rest of our games."

Our message to Stoners

Please bring up the subject with your friends and family.

Seriously. Give it a try. Pick someone in your life that loves you that doesn't know you smoke pot, and tell them you are a stoner. Tell your mom or your brother or your best friend from High School. Someone who knows you and loves you, from whom you have always kept your pot smoking a secret.

Tell them why you smoke it. What it means to you, how it makes you feel. Ask them if they are surprised and if they have any questions. Ask them if they have ever tried it... over 70 million Americans have. And don't forget to play a game of Stoner Fluxx with them! It's a fun easy game that anyone can play - actual smoking is not required or even encouraged. Remember, it is currently still illegal to smoke marijuana in most parts of America.

And if anyone in your family seems interested, let them keep your new copy of Stoner Fluxx and go buy yourself another one. (Ask for it at your local game store - and please tell your local Head Shop about it!) Offer to let your friends take your copy into their office to show to co-workers. Do what you can to get the conversation started about the need to put an end to the hurtful war on drugs.

We are working hard to change the laws in this country... please help us get people talking about it!

Thank you for helping us try to change the world!

"Seriously. Give it a try. Pick someone in your life that loves you that doesn't know you smoke pot, and tell them you are a stoner."

Our message to Activists

If you have an idea for a way we can promote Stoner Fluxx and the drug peace movement by giving away a few Stoner Fluxx decks... let us know!

and please call your local Radio Station!

Thank you for helping us try to change the world!

"We still need to write this section!"

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