Call for Submissions

Writers and artists: create a work entitled "The Space Under the Window." Do not share your interpretation with anyone else who might decide to submit a piece for the project until all have finished.

All serious entries will be published in a collection on the web; the really good ones will hopefully be published the old fashioned way, as a book. Entries will be judged by the artists who participate, with a prize given to the best. (What the prize will be or when it will be awarded has yet to be determined.)


Artist Guidelines

The concept is simple... I provide the title - you provide your interpretations and create a piece of art by this title in whatever medium you prefer. (story? drawing? song? poem? play? game? painting? photograph? sculpture? screen saver? whatever...)

There are only two rules:


  1. The title of the piece must be "The Space Under the Window."
  2. Avoid contamination: do not look at anyone elses interpretation until you are finished with your own.

How to Participate in the Project

By submitting your entry you agree to have your piece published in the electronic book entitled "The Space Under the Window". This book will be found on the web at:

Send your submission to:

Kristin Looney
PO Box 761
College Park, MD 20740

Don't forget to include your name as you want it to apear with your entry on the web (a copywright notice will appear with your art under this name) and an address so I can contact you to help judge which entry is the best.